Why am I writing the story of my life? Can’t I just enjoy the memories in my mind? It is becoming so apparent to me that many of my friends are suffering the darkness of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Suddenly they are in a state of emptiness and confusion. Recognition of family and friends are impossible.
I realize that I have an urgency to make certain that the journey I have been taking since birth is shared with all my family and friends. It has not been without struggles and despair, but I will always make certain that I emphasize that my faith in God and love for Jesus has been that which has given me the strength to find the sheer joy of living each day.
I have never owned a diary. I never enjoyed journaling. Today, I begin this story with some trepidation. When I was a freshman at Miami University, my English composition professor told me frankly that my writing was too organized and without levity. I had to learn to trust my feelings and hoped that others might appreciate my “breaking out the safe zone.” My intention is not only to write about facts and events, but alto to make you laugh at times. I often have been called “Horrible Honest Harriet” because I said words or thoughts that people felt were funny!
If you are interested in going to the website rosendosantos.com, you can find quite a complete story compiled by my son Nathan. He has photos and information of my whole family. Presently, he is up-dating this site.
May I acknowledge the support and love of my sons, their families, my sisters, their families, and the many friends that have blessed my life for many years. I have known and loved thousands of people through the many churches I have served.
Lastly, I give God the glory for always remaining near to me.
Psalm 116: 1-2
“I love the Lord, because he has heard my voice and my supplications. Because he inclined his ear to me; therefore I will call on him as long as I live.”